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College Management Response to Ontario Student Association

We are in receipt of the OSA Release expressing concern about whether the semester will be disrupted by a faculty strike or an escalation of work-to-rule such as we see beginning Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022.
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Ontario Colleges Academic Employees Continue Without a Collective Agreement

Of the 66% that voted, 62% voted to reject the employer final offer. This means that 41% of the bargaining unit rejected the offer.
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Please Vote On The Employer Final Offer

The outcome of the vote will be determined by a majority of the ballots cast. If you don’t vote, others will be deciding the future for you.
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Fact-checking OPSEU’s Bill 124 Misinformation

Recently, OPSEU distributed excerpts from a legal opinion they obtained about Bill 124. We have reviewed that opinion in its entirety and find its conclusions to be unsupportable based on the facts.
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Certainty of Outcome

Today, we are sharing with you a direct but important message about the uncertainty that a rejection of our final offer would create for you, your students, and the college system. We know that OPSEU is encouraging you to reject our offer. They claim that a rejection will force CEC to give more. (This is the same message they gave about a vote in favour of strike.) Unfortunately, this is not the case. The Final offer is the best offer we can put forward. There will not be a further offer.
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