
The Full-time Support Staff EERC has been established under Article 4.7 of the Collective Agreement and operates under agreed to Terms of Reference.

The purpose of FTEERC is to:

  • Jointly make recommendations to the bargaining teams (College Employer Council (CEC) and OPSEU) concerning subjects of system-wide importance
  • Facilitate communications between Management and the Union at the provincial level in an unconstrained, yet official manner during the life of the Agreement
  • Preclude and resolve common problems during the life of the Agreement
  • Permit both parties, to enter negotiations with much of the groundwork completed

FTEERC Minutes - 2024

FTEERC Minutes - 2023

FTEERC Minutes - 2022

FTEERC Minutes - 2021

FTEERC Minutes - 2020

FTEERC Minutes - 2019

FTEERC Minutes - 2018

FTEERC Minutes - 2017

FTEERC Minutes - 2016

FTEERC Minutes - 2015

EERC Minutes - 2014

EERC Minutes - 2013

EERC Minutes - 2012

EERC Minutes - 2011

EERC Minutes - 2010