Vote Yes for Certainty in Uncertain Times
Vote Yes for Certainty in Uncertain Times
Management Bargaining Update February 4, 2022
Over the past week, you’ve heard from members of the CEC bargaining team about how CEC’s offer creates certainty in uncertain times for faculty, students, and the college system.
Our offer does this through proposals that offer certainty and provide enhancements with respect to:
As I mentioned to you in my first note – the focus of our bargaining team has been on tabling an agreement that provides you with certainty in uncertain times. That is why our first approach to OPSEU in February 2021 was to extend the current collective agreement – to get us through the rest of COVID and the constraints placed on us all by Bill 124.
While it’s unfortunate that OPSEU decided not to extend the agreement, we have worked hard since then to put forward proposals which reasonably address the areas of concern that have been raised by the union bargaining team.
Next week, we’ll continue sharing with you how management’s offer will bring certainty on the issues that matter to you.
We want to thank you for your consideration of our offer and for everything you do to put students first.
We sincerely hope that you will support CEC’s final offer so that we can bring the certainty you, students, and the colleges deserve in these uncertain times. Sincerely,
Dr. Laurie Rancourt Humber College CEC Bargaining Team Chair P.S. You can always read more details about the management’s offer here.